5 Questions With Patrice Ford Lyn

5 Questions With Patrice Ford Lyn

Personal Growth Magazine Asks Thought Leaders 5 Impactful Questions…

1. What are a couple of your most effective habits?

Creating spaciousness in my day is key. My brother asked me once if I was booked and busy. I let him know that’s not my model for work. I absolutely love having a roster of people who want to work with me. And, I am thoughtful about how I manage my calendar. I know that creating time to exhale, BE, imagine and create is essential to my ability to show up powerfully for myself and my clients.

2. How do you make your best decisions?

There are times when I come to decisions quickly. There is an answer that just resonates. But sometimes I feel less certain of which path to take. When I am less certain, I get quiet. I surround myself in nature, I enter into prayer or meditation, I slow down to hear the guidance from the universe.

3. How do you push through the obstacles you face?

I am learning not to push through obstacles. I find when I use force against something, it pushes back. I am learning to be in my power and allowing the spirit with which I show up to transform obstacles into opportunities.

4. What did you give up in order to reach your goals?

I gave up the illusion of security. As I reflect, it is easy to see the illusion now. But when I was working for other people, having a monthly paycheck felt safe. Now betting on myself feels safer.

5. What is your favorite quote or saying and why?

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? … Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. …I. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” – Marian Wiliamson

This quote resonates because it reminds us of our brilliance and what’s possible if we dare to believe in ourselves. It is easy, albeit painful, to operate from a place of fear. When we operate from possibility we are in the space of creation. That is powerful.


Patrice Ford Lyn has B.A. in sociology from Yale University, a master’s degree in non-profit management from Harvard’s Kennedy School, and advanced certification as a professional coach from the International Coaching Federation. This background coupled with her training as an energy practitioner and yoga instructor means that she knows how to support you powerfully – mind body and spirit. In fact, she became a certified Yin Yoga teacher to deepen her understanding of the mind body connection so that she can help you to deepen yours. Patrice has a depth of experience, passion for helping people thrive and commitment to guiding transformational outcomes.

Visit her website at CatapultChange.com.
