Breakthrough Goal Setting
by Daryl Daughtry, Publisher
One of the most powerful skills you can learn is goal setting. Goal setting or creating goals properly is a powerful skill. Why? Because it will allow you to then accomplish a vast range of other goals. When you know how to set goals, it allows you to effectively work towards anything. This is the key to unlocking pretty much everything you want from life. So ironically, the first goal you should focus on is learning the skill of setting goals.
Until now, the problem with your current goal setting is that you’ve probably been doing it all wrong. How can a goal be wrong? It’s in the way that you phrase your goals and structure them that is going to massively change your likelihood of finding success.
So, let me introduce you to goal setting with the “Breakthrough Goals Model”. This is my original goal setting method that I’ve shared with professional life coaches in over 50 countries. I suggest that you read this more than once and also that you take notes…
1 – What Is Your Current Story?
Everybody has their own unique version of their “story” playing in their head. It is, of course, highly biased and based on our memories and our beliefs about the story. Therefore, your story may or may not be accurate. Write it down or even speak it out to yourself and try to give yourself an honest critique. Getting clear on this at the outset will only serve you better in your goal setting.
2 – Where Do You Want To Go?
CLEARLY DEFINE THE GOAL: Vague generalities do you no good. Saying you want to lose “some” weight isn’t helpful. If you lost just 1 ounce, you would have lost “some” weight. Saying you need “more” income isn’t specific enough. If you received 1 dollar extra you have “more” income. What are the specific details of the goal or outcome? The more specific you are about them, the more clear and specific the path to those outcomes become.
CLEARLY DEFINE THE GAIN: How will you feel if your goal is achieved? How specifically will things be better for those involved if it’s achieved? Envisioning success and everything that comes along with it – all the emotions and all the benefits – will create much more meaning and attachment for you.
CLEARLY DEFINE THE PAIN: How will you feel if your outcome is not achieved? How specifically will things be worse and what effects will that have on those involved? Defining and envisioning the pain works the same way as defining the gain.
3 – What Stands In Your Way?
Dealing with roadblocks that interfere with your goal is very important in goal setting as they can sabotage the entire process. However, you have to be just as specific and detailed about your obstacles as you were about your vision. Saying vague things like you’re stuck, or overwhelmed, or stressed, or confused isn’t as helpful as specifically identifying the things that are causing those symptoms. Clearly identify the problem and the path to addressing the problem also becomes more clear.
OUTER OBSTACLES: These are having no boundaries, no balance, no margins, negative relationships, poor time management, poor health, no money, lack of organization, etc. Obstacles are challenges that bring new opportunities and create an undeniable inner strength.
INNER OBSTACLES: These are all the limiting and sabotaging beliefs, thoughts, and emotions that negatively influence your personal achievement process. Refute the lies in your head that sabotage your ability to rise up to your potential.
4 – What Helps Your Success?
Specifically identify the resources or people that can assist or boost your desired outcome. Again, if these things or people are clearly defined, then the path to acquiring them also becomes more clear. Anything is possible in your goal setting with the right people, the right strategy, and the right resources.
5 – How Are You Getting There?
Great goal setting formulates a strategy or a plan that creates clarity and produces hope, both of which are powerful motivators. Look at this like how a blueprint functions in constructing a building. A blueprint properly identifies the order of events, the required resources, the specifications and measurements, the labor and actions needed, and the cost of the project. Your goal strategy should be as detailed as possible and include contingencies and adjustments for when things don’t go as planned.
6 – What Are Your Next Action Steps?
Nothing happens with your goal setting until you take action. A goal without action is only wishful thinking. All of the vision and planning are useless without things getting done. Ask yourself some of the following self-coaching questions…
– What are you willing to do to take a step towards your goal?
– What is the likelihood you will do this action?
– Where and when are you going to start this action?
– Who will keep you accountable and how?
– Is there anything that could hold you back from taking action?
– What will help you to commit to this action?
This goal setting model has produced amazing results for thousands of people worldwide. So, give it a try and accomplish your personal goals…