6 Steps to Develop Your Personal Power

by Personal Growth Team

Personal power encompasses your confidence, strength and self-assertion. Central to personal power is striving for ultimate meaning and satisfaction within yourself and your life.

Unlike negative types of power, the goal of personal power is to master oneself and one’s own world. It is rooted in a specific state of mind that when adopted results in an attitude of empowerment that allows you to become a proactive actor in your life, versus a victim of life.

Increasing your sense of personal power helps you in many ways, one of the most important of which is Maslow’s idea of self-actualization, which is “the realization or fulfillment of one’s talents and potentialities, especially considered as a drive or need present in everyone.”

Personal power supports you becoming your best self, and as it elevates your sense of self-empowerment many benefits follow, including a more fulfilling life and a much more satisfying relationship with yourself. Let’s look at six key steps to develop your personal power…

1 – Declare your ambitions. Acknowledging what it is you want to do in this world, and declaring it aloud to others, is a powerful step toward reclaiming your personal power. If you want to be successful, you must not be afraid that you want to be successful.

2 – Admit your fears. The negative thoughts that have kept you feeling powerless or unable to reach your dreams are all driven by fears of some kind, which sabotage your ability to succeed. Learning to admit your fears helps you see them simply as emotions that have no power over your life.

3 – Silence negative self-talk. Negative self-talk is keeping you from realizing your dreams and accepting your personal power. Instead of telling yourself why you can’t do something or what is wrong with you, replace these negative words with a positive affirmation.

4 – Stop playing the victim. You choose how to react to all of life’s events. You can choose to learn from what has happened to you and use it in the future, or you can choose to be victimized. Being a victim means you are giving your power away to the world, life and others.

5 – Adopt a growth mindset. A growth mindset is one that is open to learning and self-improvement, and since knowledge is power, this will help you reclaim your personal power. Becoming more curious, listening more to others, and keeping an open mind are all examples of a growth mindset in action.

6 – Take action! You can only create positive outcomes when you act. And when you do, you will feel more powerful. Seize opportunities to make things happen. Action is crucial to developing personal power.
